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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

A New Divine Fire Clothing Us in the Sun

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

The gifts that I want to offer the world are overwhelming, far greater than any gifts since I gave the world my Son, Jesus Christ. These gifts are of every kind and in the highest degree. I want to restore the earth and bring back its fullness. But, especially, I want to restore man to the highest level of integrity from which he has fallen. Then there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Many will be skeptical, asking, “How can this be? Will the Father create again?” I say, “All things are possible to God”.

There are two ways that this can take place. Either mankind allows itself to be lifted up into a mystical union with God or God himself must act to restore his creation. This second purification will take place by a different divine fire.

Let me be clear. A new heavens and a new earth can only be accomplished by a divine fire. In the days of Noah, the purification came by the floods. But God promised never again to use water to purify. This time, the purification must come by God’s fire. However, two ways exist for mankind to experience divine fire, the way of the saints and the way of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Every saint was purified by entering into God’s divine fire of love. This was their quest and why they walked the road of perfection. Some went off to the desert or to a monastery. Most just remained in their daily life, serving in their home or in their place of work. Although they were known to be devout, they seemed no different from other people. Quietly, though, and in a hidden manner, the divine fire was burning within them, purifying them and lifting up all their thoughts and desires to God. This is the divine fire that I would give to whomever would seek it. Once received, the person need only be faithful, allowing the fire to purify their thoughts, words and deeds and to lift their hearts to the Father, just as the fire always burns towards heaven. This is what I proclaim, “I will offer to every believer the graces formerly reserved for the greatest saints, so all, from the least to the greatest, will be clothed in the sun as I am clothed in the Son.”

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