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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

The Greatness of Medjugorje

Monday, September 5th, 2011

I will open up doors that have been closed from all eternity, special doors of saving graces that have never been seen before. At first, many will not believe. They will question, “Can these graces really be from heaven?” This has already begun at Medjugorje but many still question. How can I appear every day for years and still the world does not believe or listen to my messages? Even when people know ahead of time the very hours of my coming. Even when the visions are filmed for all to see. Even when the seers lead perfect lives of sacrifice and service, still the world does not believe.

Possibly the village is too remote. Oh, it is a village close to my heart, a perfect village dedicated to me and fervent in spirit. That is why I chose it. Even in its remoteness, millions have made their way there and have climbed the mountain of the cross and the mountain of apparitions. Miracles have flowed, especially the graces of conversion. Yes, the village is remote but the effort needed to get there and the determination to go prepare the soul. The remoteness of the village and its distance from large cities makes it the perfect setting for the soul to enjoy the quiet needed to hear my voice. And how many have heard my saving voice in that village among the mountains, mountains which encircle the village in my love and kept it far from what would destroy its innocence.

Now, let me continue. Medjugorje is my light, a light set on the mountain for all to see. From there will come forth a saving stream. Yes, let all eyes and ears be upon that little village because from it will come those words that are important for all the world to hear. Let the village become even more known and loved. The streams of grace which I have planted there are deep and only the beginning waters of grace have, as yet, gone forth. Do not say “We have tasted of the waters of Medjugorje and they have not provided all that we need.” Go back to those waters, read my messages. Pray and repent. Above all, prepare. Soon, so very soon, Medjugorje will no longer be just a stream. It will be a mighty ocean covering the world with a knowledge of God and of events which come from his hands. Do not wait. If you prepare your hearts, you will receive much. If you do not prepare, you will have broken cisterns that hold no water.

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